Calendar of Events

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Second Meeting Minutes! 9 / 19


09/19/2007, 5PM Lang Café

Present: Harper, Lucas, Anthony, Kaleb, Josie, and Allan

Items Discussed

  1. “But I’m A Cheerleader”
    1. Details: We definitely have a time, place, and date for now. Thursday, September 27th from 6PM – 8:30PM in the 8 E. 16th ST Building in room 1106.
    2. We talked about the possibility of moving the event to the following Thursday in hopes to get a better space. Allan will follow up with Kate from the OSDA to also find out about the budget for the event.
    3. Harper will get a chance to talk to Babeland about probably getting free vibratos.
  2. “Trannyfags”
    1. Harper has contacted Morty Diamond, but zshe hasn’t replied yet.
  3. Monthly Movie nights
    1. Anthony suggested that we have movie nights once a month.
    2. We’ll gauge the success partially by the turnout for “But, I’m a Cheerleader.”
  4. Dinner with Sarah Lawrence
    1. Harper will be in charge of trying to coordinate a dinner to meet with the LGBTQQ organization there.
    2. Lucas said that he was invited to do a drag performance at Sarah Lawrence as well so it might be a way for us to meet people over there as well if we can go as a group.
  5. World AIDS Day
    1. We’d still want to do something for that day, but we just haven’t come up with any ideas that don’t involve a movie night.
    2. As I’m typing this, I just remembered that we tried to do an Art Gallery showcasing the senior work of a current grad student, Ashley Grosso. Allan will contact her to coordinate and see if something like that could be re-attempted for this year. Probably would happen on December 1st which is a Saturday or maybe November 29th a Thursday night?
  6. Panel Discussion – Queer Body Image
    1. Anthony suggested that we do such an event. We’ll brainstorm some ideas for panelists in upcoming meetings.
  7. Recognition Packet from the OSDA
    1. Briefly reviewed our goals and mission of the group prior to submission to the OSDA.
    2. The only parts that we are still missing are a faculty advisor’s signature as well as more signatures for members list. Allan will be carrying around the packet with him so if you want to stop by and add more numbers to our list, email him (
  8. New Website!
    1. Allan officially made a website for the group which is located at
    2. Additionally, if anyone is interested in finding out more information of the going ons for other student orgs, check out
  9. Appointment of new officers for the group
    1. Conrad Chu becoming our new faculty advisor.

i. Prof. Chu wasn’t able to find the group, but will try and make it to next week’s meeting (TBA)

    1. Congratulations to Josie for being our Publicity Chair for the group!
  1. Ideas for events next semester / Event Ideas for Collaboration
    1. Pamphlet distribution / Tabling for the Elections in the spring! Get a way to get information to the student body of the stances of various politicians on all sorts of issues beyond the LGBTQQ community.
    2. Health Series Workshops
      1. Coordinate with other student organizations on having health workshops that address various concerns in multiple and sometimes overlapping group issues.
    3. Trans Prom @ the LGBTQQ Center on 13th ST

Next meeting TBA

Also, I forgot to mention this during the meeting, but we need someone to volunteer to attend an event tomorrow from 5:30 – 6:30PM at the Student Activity Space at the 55 West 13th ST building. I sent out an email to Harper, Sandy, Josie, and Melissa (Kaleb I don’t have your email, do you think you can reply back to this email so I can add it to the list?). If there’s anyone else who would be able to attend on our behalf we’d greatly appreciate it!

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