Calendar of Events

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Minutes 9/12/07

O.P.E.N. Minutes 09/11/07 – 4:30PM

Present: Allan, Harper, Kaleb, Josie, David, Sandy, Melissa, & Richenda

  1. Introductions
  2. Ideas for Events this semester
    1. Harper suggested that since he works for Babeland that it would be possible to have an event with Morty Diamond, a transgender performance artist, filmmaker, and writer. He has a porno film called “Tranny Fags” that is the first to completely highlight gay transmen. It would be possible to have this as an event for the semester so Harper will find out more information if Morty would be up for doing such an event at the University.
    2. There were a lot of suggestions for movies to watch such as “Yeah…but I’m a Cheerleader,” “The Bubble,” “Shortbus,” etc. All of which we could have movie screenings for this semester.
    3. Richenda (representative from Moxie) mentioned two events that are happening next semester from her group: “Moxie’s Masturbation Month” and “Babeland” (February).

i. On National Coming Out Day, October 11th the OSDA and Career Services are hosting an “Out at Work” event from 6PM – 8PM. Nicole Wolfrath from Career Services will talk to Allan on Friday regarding the details but so far there will be 4-6 employers representing organizations that advocate for LGBTQ rights as well as people from various industries discussing being “out” in the workplace.

ii. Allan also suggested that since we have a National Coming Out Kit from the Human Rights Campaign that it would also be possible to table during the day to have pamphlets to hand out to interested students. This to be discussed at the next meeting.

    1. Allan also mentioned that a lot of motivational speakers from all sorts of backgrounds in the LGBTQ community have contacted to OPEN to speak so if anyone is interested, let Allan know via email.
    2. There’s also a need for something to be done on World AIDS Day on December 1st so if anyone has any suggestions, let us know.
    3. Harper brought up the idea of probably having a social with the LGBTQ group over in Sarah Lawrence since we have a connection with the President of the group there. This would hopefully be the seed in trying to host a conference of sorts similar to CUNY’s Queer Conference in the Spring Semester.
  1. Event Planning – “Yeah…but I’m a Cheerleader”
    1. We decided that we would want to have a viewing of the film which centers on a recently “ousted” cheerleader who gets sent to a school to learn how to be straight. We’ll have a social for people to get to know one another prior to the showing, along with snacks, and a discussion of the film afterwards.
    2. Tentative Date and Time – Thursday September 27th or Wednesday September 26th from 6PM – 8:30PM
    3. Tentative Space – Either in the Student Activity Space in the 55 West 13th Building or Room 050 in the 65 West 11th St Building (the Fishbowl Classroom in the basement)
    4. Harper said that he might be able to get free vibrators from Babeland and we could use it as an advertising gimmick to get people to come.
    5. Eric Garrison, our temporary group advisor, would be able to lend his copy of the film for the event.
    6. Allan already submitted a registration form to the OSDA so finalized time, date, and location details will be shared.
    7. Melissa volunteered to assist Allan in helping to prep for the program.
  2. The need for a new advisor
    1. In the wake that our old advisor for the group left, Eric Garrison will serve as our temporary advisor.

i. Suggestions at the meeting for contacting several people include Michael Pettinger, Ivan Raykoff, and Eleni Litt.

ii. Allan will email those professors and see if one would be able to serve as the advisor for the group.

  1. Items to be discussed at the next meeting
    1. Morty Diamond Event
    2. Update on the “Yeah…but I’m A Cheerleader” screening
    3. A consistent meeting time that works with everyone’s schedule as best as possible.
    4. Suggestions and ideas for what else we can do this semester
    5. Opportunities to serve in the community

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