Calendar of Events

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

More NCOD and ENDA and Minutes - 10/10/07

Attendance: Allan, Megan, Lucas, Josie, Kaleb, Natalie, Peter, David, Natalia, Carlie, and Al.

First and foremost, it was Harper’s birthday today so Happy Birthday from all of us! ! !

Secondly, check out where we post all of our event information and weekly minutes so you can stay in the know!

Items Discussed

  1. Primary Party – Wednesday Oct 10th, 9PM -- 65 5th Ave Cafeteria
    1. OSDA hosted an information session for presidential candidates that discussed their stances on various issues.
    2. Anthony will talk about how it went at next week’s meeting.
  2. National Coming Out Day
    1. O.P.E.N. Mic – Thursday Oct 11th, 11:40 PM - Noon – Lang Courtyard

i. We won’t have a microphone to use in the Courtyard.

ii. We will still do our little “Coming Out” shout outs

1. Meet at 11:30 in the Courtyard to begin setting up.

2. Kaleb and Josie will be in charge of making a sign for a chair where we’d stand out and come out officially to the New School community as well as managing to bring in a door to symbolize coming out.

3. Allan will buy some rainbow cookies to give out to people who do stand up on the chair and “come out.”

4. Everyone will bring Rainbow paraphernalia (wristbands, boas, t-shirts, etc) to make this event more festive.

    1. “Out at Work Career Panel” – Thursday Oct 11th, 6PM – 7:30PM -- Wolff Conference Room, 65th 5th Ave 2nd Floor.

i. Plain and simple, come to the event! Tell your friends!

ii. Snacks will be served

iii. Lucas and Allan will be tabling outside prior to the beginning.

    1. ENDA Phonebank – Thursday Oct 11th, 6PM – 9PM – The National Gay and Lesbian Taskforce, 80 Maiden Lane, St. 1504

i. Check out for directions or contact Harper (310) 639 0033

  1. Budget Proposal for “But, I’m A Cheerleader”
    1. Once we hear back from SAFC, we can determine whether we’ll have a budget to purchase cupcakes and/or vibrators to give away.

Pass on tomorrow’s event information to friends and other students! It’s crucial that we have strong student presence at these events. We appreciate all of your efforts in doing so.

Hope to see you all tomorrow! And if not, have a wonderful NCOD!

In solidarity,




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