Calendar of Events

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

NCOD, ENDA, and the Minutes 10/03/07

OPEN Minutes 09/03/07

Attendance: Allan, Lucas, Harper, Kaleb, Josie, Liza, Anthony, Peter, Elizabeth, and Julia.

1. “Out at Work” Career Panel

a. Thursday Oct 11th 2007 from 6 – 7:30 PM in the Wolff Conference Room, second floor of the 65 5th Ave building.

b. We will be having a table at this event so we’ll have sign up sheets for people to have their emails for the mailing list.

c. The Panel will be comprised of representatives from the LGBTQ center, G.L.A.A.D, and other “out” professionals.

2. “But I’m A Cheerleader”

a. Thursday Oct 18th 2007 from 6:30 – 8:30PM in the Student Activity Space, the ground floor of the 55 West 13th building.

b. Screening of the movie “But I’m A Cheerleader” as well as little ice breakers, food, and possibly free vibrators from Babeland (still up in the air).

3. “Tranny Fags”

a. We are shooting to do this event during late October/ Mid November.

b. We will be co-sponsoring this event with Moxie, the feminist organization on campus.

4. ENDA (Employee Non-Discrimination Act)

a. In light of recent events of the ENDA bill potentially being passed without being gender identity inclusive is a slap to the face to the LGBTQQ community.

b. Harper works for the National Gay and Lesbian Taskforce and assisting a phonebank on National Coming Out Day, Oct 11th 2007 from 6 – 9PM.

c. If you would like more information, contact Harper Keenan (

d. We realize that this is in conflict with the Out at Work Career Panel so whichever event you feel is more important to you, just attend/help out at either event. There’s also the option of going to the phone bank after the Career Panel discussion.

5. World AIDS Day

a. Allan is coordinating an art gallery event with Ashley Grosso.

b. Anthony and Paul will continue to talk about focusing on a “Sex Positive” Workshop for that week.

6. CUNY Queer Conference

a. Speaking of World AIDS Day, the CUNY school system is hosting a Queer Conference on Saturday Dec, 1st 2007. We are invited to the day long workshop if we so choose to attend.

b. Harper also mentioned that the National Gay and Lesbian Taskforce is hosting a day long organizing skills day long workshop as well. Again, whichever event you feel is more pertinent to your particular interests should be your preference for attending either event.

7. Primary Party

a. The OSDA is coordinating an information session of the candidates for the 2008 election and wants us to have a booth set up to discuss the GLBTQQ stances of all of the candidates in the running for presidency.

b. The event is happening next Wednesday, October 10th 2007 in the 65 5th Avenue Cafeteria from 7-9 pm.

c. Allan and Anthony will help to represent OPEN for this event, and anyone else who’s interested. Let us know!

8. Movie Committee

a. After extensive discussions for having a monthly movie night for the year, we decided it’d make sense to have a committee. So far, it is comprised of Lucas, Josie, and Kaleb although if anyone else would like to pitch ideas or help coordinating the events, you’re more than welcome to help.

b. Some movie ideas included showing “The Bubble,” “Mysterious Skin.” “Time to Leave,” “Baby Cub,” “Queens (Reinas),” and many more.

Other things

  1. Open Mic in the courtyard – National Coming Out Day
    1. Allan has been in contact with Guinevere Molina, the head go to person from the OSDA about trying to allow us to have a mic and speaker in the Lang Courtyard during NCOD.
    2. If it is the case, Ivan Raykoff, the professor who’s teaching a Queer Studies class, wants to have the student’s work presented during the potential event (thanks Josie!)
    3. Once we get the thumbs up from Guinevere we can begin to coordinate setting up for the day.


  1. First Friday Dance @ Columbia University!
    1. Columbia’s Queer Alliance is throwing a LGBTQQ party this Friday from 10PM – 3AM.
    2. More information at this site:
  2. Crossdress Cabaret @ Sarah Lawrence featuring our group’s own VENDETTA
    1. Happening on Friday, November 2nd.
    2. Sarah Lawrence’s own Amateur Drag Show. More information TBA or email Lucas Brooks.

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